7 months!

I just had the realization that I hadn’t posted Nolan’s 7 month update! I am so winning at this. I’m also like 2 months behind in his baby book too.  Anyway, happy 7 months Noley!

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A lot of cool things have happened in the last few weeks!

Nolan’s First Halloween

He was the Ron Weasley to Evan’s Harry Potter. It was pretty adorable. His little outfit was a gift at my baby shower and it fit perfectly! Hooray!

We voted!

So that was a pretty big day!


Ellie kept herself busy by walking under all the voting stations while I filled in all my bubbles. Since our precinct was in the library, we hung out there for a little while and this guy was just having a blast!


He’s gotten really good at sitting up on his own and loves his new perspective. Although sometimes he still loses his balances and plops over.

He started holding his own bottle! 


GAME CHANGER. He’s just shown no interest in holding it up til now. Not in the least. His speech therapist said babies are smart. He’s all like “you won’t let me starve” as the throws his arms out to the sides.

This kid is seriously one of the happiest babies I have ever known. He is so much fun and we say all the time “what would we do without Nolan?” We wouldn’t be the same, that’s for sure.



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