7 months!

I just had the realization that I hadn’t posted Nolan’s 7 month update! I am so winning at this. I’m also like 2 months behind in his baby book too.  Anyway, happy 7 months Noley! A lot of cool things have happened in the last few weeks! Nolan’s First Halloween He was the Ron Weasley… Continue reading 7 months!

4 Months!

Nolan has hit 4 months old!  We’re a quarter of the way through his first year.  *WHOA* These past few weeks have been full of changes!  He’s finding his voice and LOVES using it.  He’ll channels his inner baby dinosaur very well.  He’s discovered he can reach his feet.  He rolled over (with a little… Continue reading 4 Months!

Real Life

It’s amazing how we can go from perfectly fine to “OMG everything is imploding” in like half a second. Josh is working a little late, I’m trying to finish dinner (and by dinner, I mean mac and cheese) because the tiny humans need to be kept alive, baby starts screaming, and I have a 2-days-from-4… Continue reading Real Life