Goodbye Summer


And just like that, we’re in our last week of summer vacation!  School starts back up on Monday for all three of the big kids!  Backpacks, lunchboxes and school supplies have all been purchased and are ready to go!

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I gotta say, I love that Norah picked a Minecraft backpack.  It’s actually Obsidion, she tells me.  I don’t know… I just went with it.  I personally tried to get her to get the llama backpack and luncbox, but she had her mind made up.

I’m having mixed feelings about summer being over.  Despite not really doing anything, we had fun!  It was hard for me to actually want to get out and do something.  With it feeling like a thousand degrees outside, anything that they mentioned doing that involved spending any amount of  time out of air conditioning was met with a resounding “not today.”  Nolan is still little and as pale as a character from Twilight, so I was afraid of frying the poor kid.  Plus the idea of taking the 4 of them somewhere where I had to have eyes on them all at all times freaked me out. So we didn’t do the beach, but once.  Not aquatic center.  Nothing like that.  And I feel kinda guilty about it.

Lots of Minecraft happened though!


And a LOT of library trips! It’s been pretty awesome seeing them actually interested in getting books instead of just playing on the computers while they’re there. Although that happens too.


They had been repeatedly asking to go to the pool here in our neighborhood for weeks. I kept telling them no.  In fact, a couple to times I drove up to Titusville so they could go swimming at my mom and dad’s.  I just DID NOT want to take them to our pool.  But I, in all honesty, didn’t have a legitimate reason to say no.  I just didn’t want to!  And I felt justified in my answer.  But one day, they were bored out of their minds and wanted to go… so once I got over myself, I shaved my legs and put on my swimsuit and we actually had a blast!  And we’ve been going several days a week since then. Even packing up food and eating lunch or dinner down there. Something totally new for us!


Hooray for free entertainment! Nolan actually enjoyed it too! He got used to the water and would hang with me for a bit in there but then napped the rest of the time under the cabana. Such a hard life!


As much as I’m going to dress getting up at o dark thirty, I’m going to like finding out new normal again. We only had a few weeks of school stuff after Nolan was born, so now we get to figure out how that goes, AND Elliebug starts VPK! It’s very exciting!

So long summer, you’ve been great! See you next year.



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